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17 Obtaining Support

17.1 NetConnect Support

There is an official NetConnect support site where you can read news, download extra files etc. This official site is maintained by AmigaWorld.

Direct your browser to www.amigaworld.com/netconnect

AmigaWorld also provides a NetConnect mailing list which entitles you to receive information about updates, discuss problems (or new features you would like adding) etc. It is very important that you subscribe yourself to this list if you are a NetConnect user!

How do you subscribe? You send a email to majordomo@amigaworld.com and within that email you put:

subscribe netconnect

You will be sent a message back confirming that you do actually want to subscribe to the list.

One you are on the list you should start receiving mails from other users (they will be sent automatically). If you want to send a message to the list send an email to netconnect@amigaworld.com. Your message will be automatically sent to everyone else on the list!

17.2 Active Software Support

Obtaining support directly from Active Software is relatively easy. There are various ways that we can be contacted from the UK and Internationally.

PO Box 151
County Durham

Tel, Fax and Electronic Contact:
Telephone+44 (0)1325 352260
World Wide Web Our Main Web Site
World Wide Web AmigaWorld
E-Mail Active Software NetConnect Support

17.3 Various Mailing Lists

There a various mailing lists which you can subscribe to in order obtain support, help and further information about the software contained within NetConnect.

AmIRC	      amirc-request@vapor.com 
AmFTP	      amftp-request@vapor.com
Microdot-II   md-2-request@vapor.com
Voyager       voyager-request@vapor.com
AmTelnet      amtelnet-request@vapor.com
AmTerm        amterm-request@vapor.com

To join these mailing lists write a mail and put ADD into the body of your text.

For help about using the listserver, write to listserv@vapor.com and put the word HELP in the body of the message (subject is ignored).

Once you are subscribed (remember to only send one email as you will be subscribed multiple times) you will be sent an email which tells you you are subscribed and how to write emails to the mailing list. It will also tell you how to unsubsribe from the list.

17.4 AmigaWorld

There will a new section on the excellent AmigaWorld site within the next few weeks (most likely within the /support/voyager drawer). This site will contain supporting software such as transfer animations, replacement buttons, datatypes etc. Keep an eye on the AmigaWorld for more information.

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